always allow users oping bots
[NeonServV5.git] / src / event_neonserv_mode.c
1 /* event_neonserv_mode.c - NeonServ v5.0
2  * Copyright (C) 2011  Philipp Kreil (pk910)
3  * 
4  * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  * 
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  * 
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
15  * along with this program. If not, see <>. 
16  */
18 static USERLIST_CALLBACK(neonserv_event_mode_userlist_lookup);
19 static void neonserv_event_mode_async1(struct ClientSocket *client, struct UserNode *user, struct ChanNode *chan, char *modes, char **argv, int argc);
20 static int neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(struct ClientSocket *client, struct UserNode *user, struct ChanNode *chan);
22 static int botwar_detect_executed;
24 struct neonserv_event_mode_cache {
25     struct ClientSocket *client;
26     struct UserNode *user;
27     char *modes;
28     char **argv;
29     int argc;
30 };
32 static void neonserv_event_mode(struct UserNode *user, struct ChanNode *chan, char *modes, char **argv, int argc) {
33     struct ClientSocket *client = getBotForChannel(chan);
34     if(!client) return; //we can't "see" this event
35     if(isNetworkService(user)) return;
36     loadChannelSettings(chan);
37     if(!(chan->flags & CHANFLAG_CHAN_REGISTERED)) return;
38     struct neonserv_event_mode_cache *cache = malloc(sizeof(*cache));
39     char **temp_argv = NULL;
40     if(argc) 
41         temp_argv = malloc(argc*sizeof(*temp_argv));
42     if (!cache || (argc && !temp_argv)) {
43         perror("malloc() failed");
44         return;
45     }
46     if(argc) {
47         int i;
48         for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
49             temp_argv[i] = strdup(argv[i]);
50         }
51     }
52     cache->client = client;
53     cache->user = user;
54     cache->modes = strdup(modes);
55     cache->argv = temp_argv;
56     cache->argc = argc;
57     get_userlist_with_invisible(chan, neonserv_event_mode_userlist_lookup, cache);
58 }
60 static USERLIST_CALLBACK(neonserv_event_mode_userlist_lookup) {
61     struct neonserv_event_mode_cache *cache = data;
62     neonserv_event_mode_async1(cache->client, cache->user, chan, cache->modes, cache->argv, cache->argc);
63     if(cache->argc) {
64         int i;
65         for(i = 0; i < cache->argc; i++) {
66             free(cache->argv[i]);
67         }
68         free(cache->argv);
69     }
70     free(cache);
71 }
73 static void neonserv_event_mode_async1(struct ClientSocket *client, struct UserNode *user, struct ChanNode *chan, char *modes, char **argv, int argc) {
74     struct ClientSocket *textclient = ((client->flags & SOCKET_FLAG_PREFERRED) ? client : get_prefered_bot(client->botid));
75     botwar_detect_executed = 0;
76     MYSQL_ROW row, defaults = NULL;
77     int i, arg, add = 1, skip = 0;
78     unsigned int modetype;
79     int db_canop, db_canvoice, db_canban, db_enfmodes;
80     struct ModeNode *modelock = createModeNode(NULL);
81     struct ModeBuffer *modeBuf;
82     struct UserNode *cuser;
83     struct ChanUser *chanuser;
84     modeBuf = initModeBuffer(client, chan);
85     printf_mysql_query("SELECT `channel_canop`, `channel_canvoice`, `channel_canban`, `channel_enfmodes`, `channel_modes` FROM `channels` WHERE `channel_id` = '%d'", chan->channel_id);
86     row = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_use());
87     if(row[0] == NULL || row[1] == NULL || row[2] == NULL || row[3] == NULL) {
88         printf_mysql_query("SELECT `channel_canop`, `channel_canvoice`, `channel_canban`, `channel_enfmodes`, `channel_modes` FROM `channels` WHERE `channel_name` = 'defaults'");
89         defaults = mysql_fetch_row(mysql_use());
90     }
91     db_canop = atoi((row[0] ? row[0] : defaults[0]));
92     db_canvoice = atoi((row[1] ? row[1] : defaults[1]));
93     db_canban = atoi((row[2] ? row[2] : defaults[2]));
94     db_enfmodes = atoi((row[3] ? row[3] : defaults[3]));
95     if(row[4])
96         parseModeString(modelock, row[4]);
97     else if(defaults[4])
98         parseModeString(modelock, defaults[4]);
99     int uaccess = getChannelAccess(user, chan, 0);
100     char *carg;
101     int sent_modes_locked = 0;
102     char tmp[MAXLEN];
103     arg = 0;
104     for(i = 0; i < strlen(modes); i++) {
105         switch(modes[i]) {
106             case '+':
107                 add = 1;
108                 break;
109             case '-':
110                 add = 0;
111                 break;
112             case 'o':
113             case 'v':
114                 if(arg == argc) {
115                     break;
116                 }
117                 carg = argv[arg++];
118                 cuser = searchUserByNick(carg);
119                 if(modes[i] == 'o' && !(add && isBot(cuser))) {
120                     if(uaccess < db_canop) {
121                         reply(textclient, user, "NS_MODE_ENFOPS", chan->name);
122                         db_canop = -1;
123                     }
124                     if(db_canop == -1) {
125                         if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
126                             modeBufferSet(modeBuf, !add, modes[i], carg);
127                         break;
128                     }
129                 } else if(modes[i] == 'v') {
130                     if(uaccess < db_canvoice) {
131                         reply(textclient, user, "NS_MODE_ENFVOICE", chan->name);
132                         db_canvoice = -1;
133                     }
134                     if(db_canvoice == -1) {
135                         if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
136                             modeBufferSet(modeBuf, !add, modes[i], carg);
137                         break;
138                     }
139                 }
140                 if(!cuser) {
141                     break; //internal Bot error - this should never happen
142                 }
143                 if(!add) {
144                     //check protection
145                     if(isBot(cuser)) {
146                         reply(textclient, user, "NS_SERVICE_IMMUNE", cuser->nick);
147                         if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
148                             modeBufferSet(modeBuf, !add, modes[i], carg);
149                         break;
150                     }
151                     if(isUserProtected(chan, cuser, user)) {
152                         reply(textclient, user, "NS_USER_PROTECTED", cuser->nick);
153                         if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
154                             modeBufferSet(modeBuf, !add, modes[i], carg);
155                         break;
156                     }
157                 }
158                 break;
159             case 'b':
160                 if(arg == argc) {
161                     break;
162                 }
163                 carg = argv[arg++];
164                 if(uaccess < db_canban) {
165                     reply(textclient, user, "NS_MODE_CANBAN", chan->name);
166                     db_canban = -1;
167                 }
168                 if(db_canban == -1) {
169                     if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
170                         modeBufferSet(modeBuf, !add, modes[i], carg);
171                     break;
172                 }
173                 char hostmask_buffer[NICKLEN+USERLEN+HOSTLEN+3];
174                 char usermask[NICKLEN+USERLEN+HOSTLEN+3];
175                 int match_count = 0;
176                 carg = make_banmask(carg, hostmask_buffer);
177                 if(add) {
178                     for(chanuser = getChannelUsers(chan, NULL); chanuser; chanuser = getChannelUsers(chan, chanuser)) {
179                         cuser = chanuser->user;
180                         sprintf(usermask, "%s!%s@%s", cuser->nick, cuser->ident, cuser->host);
181                         if(!match(carg, usermask)) {
182                             if(isUserProtected(chan, cuser, user)) {
183                                 reply(textclient, user, "NS_USER_PROTECTED", cuser->nick);
184                                 skip = 1;
185                                 break;
186                             }
187                             match_count++;
188                         }
189                     }
190                     if(match_count > 4 && (match_count * 3) > chan->usercount) {
191                         reply(textclient, user, "NS_LAME_MASK_WARNING", carg, match_count);
192                     }
193                 }
194                 if(skip && !neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan)) {
195                     modeBufferSet(modeBuf, !add, modes[i], carg);
196                 }
197                 break;
198             default:
199                 modetype = getModeType(modelock, modes[i]);
200                 if(modetype == 0) {
201                     break; //unknown mode
202                 }
204                 if(add && (modetype & CHANNEL_MODE_TYPE) != CHANNEL_MODE_TYPE_D) {
205                     if(arg == argc) {
206                         break;
207                     }
208                     carg = argv[arg++];
209                     if((modetype & CHANNEL_MODE_VALUE) == CHANNEL_MODE_VALUE_STRING && isModeSet(modelock, modes[i])) {
210                         char *modelock_val = getModeValue(modelock, modes[i]);
211                         if(stricmp(carg, modelock_val) && uaccess < db_enfmodes && !isGodMode(user)) {
212                             if(!sent_modes_locked) {
213                                 getFullModeString(modelock, tmp);
214                                 reply(textclient, user, "NS_MODE_LOCKED", tmp, chan->name);
215                                 sent_modes_locked = 1;
216                             }
217                             if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
218                                 modeBufferSet(modeBuf, add, modes[i], modelock_val);
219                             break;
220                         }
221                     }
222                     if((modetype & CHANNEL_MODE_VALUE) == CHANNEL_MODE_VALUE_STRING && isModeSet(modelock, modes[i])) {
223                         int *modelock_val = getModeValue(modelock, modes[i]);
224                         if(atoi(carg) != *modelock_val && uaccess < db_enfmodes && !isGodMode(user)) {
225                             if(!sent_modes_locked) {
226                                 getFullModeString(modelock, tmp);
227                                 reply(textclient, user, "NS_MODE_LOCKED", tmp, chan->name);
228                                 sent_modes_locked = 1;
229                             }
230                             sprintf(tmp, "%d", *modelock_val);
231                             if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
232                                 modeBufferSet(modeBuf, add, modes[i], tmp);
233                             break;
234                         }
235                     }
236                 } else if(!add && (modetype & CHANNEL_MODE_TYPE) == CHANNEL_MODE_TYPE_B) {
237                     if(arg == argc) {
238                         break;
239                     }
240                     carg = argv[arg++];
241                 } else
242                     carg = NULL;
243                 if(isModeAffected(modelock, modes[i]) && add == !isModeSet(modelock, modes[i]) && uaccess < db_enfmodes && !isGodMode(user)) {
244                     if(!sent_modes_locked) {
245                         getFullModeString(modelock, tmp);
246                         reply(textclient, user, "NS_MODE_LOCKED", tmp, chan->name);
247                         sent_modes_locked = 1;
248                     }
249                     if(!neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(client, user, chan))
250                         modeBufferSet(modeBuf, !add, modes[i], carg);
251                     break;
252                 }
253                 break;
254         }
255     }
256     freeModeBuffer(modeBuf);
257     freeModeNode(modelock);
258 }
260 static int neonserv_cmd_mode_botwar_detect(struct ClientSocket *client, struct UserNode *user, struct ChanNode *chan) {
261     struct ChanUser *chanuser = getChanUser(user, chan);
262     if(!chanuser) return 0; //flying super cow?
263     if(time(0) - chanuser->changeTime > BOTWAR_DETECTION_TIME) {
264         chanuser->changeTime = time(0);
265         chanuser->chageEvents = 1;
266     } else {
267         if(!botwar_detect_executed)
268             chanuser->chageEvents++;
269         botwar_detect_executed = 1;
270         if(chanuser->chageEvents >= BOTWAR_DETECTION_EVENTS || chanuser->chageEvents < 0) {
271             //BOTWAR!
272             chanuser->changeTime = time(0);
273             if(chanuser->chageEvents > 0) {
274                 putsock(client, "NOTICE @%s :%s %s", chan->name, get_language_string(user, "NS_BOTWAR_DETECTED"), (BOTWAR_ALERT_CHAN ? get_language_string(user, "NS_BOTWAR_REPORTED") : ""));
275                 if(BOTWAR_ALERT_CHAN) {
276                     struct ChanNode *alertchan = getChanByName(BOTWAR_ALERT_CHAN);
277                     struct ClientSocket *alertclient;
278                     if(alertchan && (alertclient = getBotForChannel(chan)) != NULL) {
279                         char msgBuf[MAXLEN];
280                         putsock(alertclient, "PRIVMSG %s :%s", alertchan->name, build_language_string(NULL, msgBuf, "NS_BOTWAR_ALERT", chan->name, user->nick));
281                     }
282                 }
283             }
284             chanuser->chageEvents = -2;
285             return 1;
286         }
287     }
288     return 0;
289 }