// services configuration file (test network) "uplinks" { "localhost" { "address" "localhost"; "port" "8764"; "password" "irctest"; "their_password" "irctest"; "enabled" "1"; }; }; "services" { "nickserv" { "nick" "NickServ"; "db_backup_freq" "1h"; "nicks_per_account" "4"; "disable_nicks" "0"; "warn_nick_owned" "1"; "password_min_length" "4"; "password_min_digits" "1"; "password_min_upper" "0"; "password_min_lower" "0"; "valid_account_regex" "^[][_a-z^`'{}|-][][_a-z0-9^`'{}|-]*$"; "valid_nick_regex" "^[-_a-z][-_a-z0-9]*$"; "flag_levels" { "g" "800"; "lc_h" "800"; // specifically lower case h "uc_H" "800"; // .. and upper case H "S" "999"; }; "set_epithet_level" "800"; "account_expire_freq" "1d"; "account_expire_delay" "35d"; "nochan_account_expire_delay" "14d"; "require_qualified" "1"; "autogag_enabled" "1"; "autogag_duration" "30m"; "auth_policer" { "size" "5"; "drain-rate" "0.05"; }; // How to integrate with email cookies? "email_enabled" "0"; // if set, /mail/enable MUST be set too "email_required" "0"; "cookie_timeout" "1d"; "accounts_per_email" "1"; // you may want to increase this; or not "email_visible_level" "800"; // minimum OpServ level to see somebody's email address }; "opserv" { "nick" "OpServ"; "db_backup_freq" "2700"; "debug_channel" "#opserv"; "alert_channel" "#ircops"; "staff_auth_channel" "#opserv"; "untrusted_max" "4"; "clone_gline_duration" "1h"; "block_gline_duration" "1h"; "purge_lock_delay" "60"; "join_policer" { "size" "20"; "drain-rate" "1"; }; "new_user_policer" { "size" "200"; "drain-rate" "3"; }; "trigger" "?"; }; "chanserv" { "nick" "ChanServ"; "debug_channel" "#chanserv"; "db_backup_freq" "1800"; "info_delay" "120"; "max_greetlen" "120"; "adjust_threshold" "15"; "joinflood_threshold" "5"; "adjust_delay" "30"; "chan_expire_freq" "3d"; "chan_expire_delay" "30d"; "max_chan_users" "512"; "max_chan_bans" "512"; "trigger" "!"; "lame_tricks" "1"; "8ball" ("Not a chance.", "In your dreams.", "Absolutely!", "Could be, could be."); "support_channel" "#support"; "max_owned" "5"; "refresh_period" "3h"; }; "global" { "nick" "Global"; "db_backup_freq" "1000"; }; "helpserv" { "enable" "1"; "description" "Help Queue Manager"; "db_backup_freq" "900"; }; }; "sockcheck" { "enabled" "0"; "max_sockets" "64"; "max_read" "1024"; "gline_duration" "1h"; "max_cache_age" "60"; }; "policers" { "commands-luser" { "size" "3"; "drain-rate" "0.33"; }; }; "rlimits" { "data" "50M"; "stack" "6M"; "vmem" "100M"; }; "server" { "hostname" "srvx.test.net"; "description" "Test Network Services"; "network" "Testnet"; "numeric" "10"; "ping_freq" "60"; "ping_timeout" "90"; "max_cycles" "30"; };