define srv1 define srv1name define srv2 define srv2name define srvx define domain define chanserv AlphaIRC define global AlphaIRC define memoserv AlphaIRC define nickserv AlphaIRC define opserv AlphaIRC define helpserv CoverageServ define helpserv2 C0v3r4g3S3rv define opernick test_oper define operpass i_r_teh_0p3r define testchan #testchan # Connect, join testing channel, oper up, log in connect cl1 test1 test1 %srv1% :Test Bot 1 :cl1 join %testchan%1 :cl1 raw :OPER %opernick% %operpass% :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO :cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH :cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH bogus bogus :cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH testest :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test1 EPITHET some damn test bot :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO # Test common infrastructure things :cl1 nick test1_new :cl1 nick test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :REHASH :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :REOPEN :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :QUERY :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :LOG LIMIT 30 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :RECONNECT :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP WRITE :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WRITE MONDO :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WRITEALL :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS DATABASES # Test global's functionality :cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE users Hello world! :cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGE TARGET users DURATION 1h TEXT Hello world (short duration)! connect cl2 test2 test2 %srv1% :Test Bot 2 connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv1% :Test Bot 3 :cl2 join %testchan%1 :cl2 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test2 testest :cl2 privmsg %global% :LIST :cl3 join %testchan%1 :cl3 privmsg %global% :MESSAGES :cl3 privmsg %global% :VERSION :cl1 wait cl2,cl3 :cl1 privmsg %global% :REMOVE 1 :cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGE SOURCELESS pizza TARGET all TARGET helpers TARGET opers TARGET staff TARGET channels DURATION 5s TEXT Hollow world (very short duration). :cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGE TARGET all :cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE ANNOUNCEMENT test of announcement code :cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE CHANNELS test of channel spamming code (sorry! :) :cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE BOGUS :cl1 privmsg %global% :NOTICE DIFFERENTLY BOGUS :cl1 privmsg %global% :LIST :cl1 privmsg %global% :REMOVE 30 :cl1 privmsg %global% :MESSAGES # Test ChanServ functions :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP commands :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP note types :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :VERSION ARCH :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NETINFO :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :STAFF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :GOD ON :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%2 test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :GOD OFF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ADDUSER %testchan%1 OP test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :GOD ON :cl1 privmsg %testchan%1 :PING :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url setter all 400 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE url :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url privileged 1 privileged 20 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url channel owner channel_users 20 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CREATENOTE url bogus all 20 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REMOVENOTE url :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REMOVENOTE bogus :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELNOTE bogus :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELNOTE url :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NOTE url :cl1 wait cl2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REMOVENOTE url FORCE :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER OP test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test3 :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 mode %testchan%1 -clo test3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MODES +sntlrcCDk 500 bah :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MODES -lk :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET ENFMODES 4 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PROTECT 0 :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 mode %testchan%1 +l 600 :cl1 wait cl2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CTCPUSERS 6 :cl3 wait cl1 :cl3 privmsg %testchan%1 :TIME :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :EXPIRE :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELETEME a5bfa227 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER *test2 USUX :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER %testchan%3 USUX2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER #*tch* USUX3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER %testchan%3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER *test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER *test194 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :NOREGISTER :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER *test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER %testchan%3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER #*tch* :cl1 join %testchan%3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CHANINFO %testchan%3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 MOVE %testchan%3 :cl1 join %testchan%3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELBAD %testchan%3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%4 test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 MOVE %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELBAD %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :ALLOWREGISTER #pizza :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 OPCHAN :cl1 wait cl2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 CSUSPEND 1m H8! :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 UNREGISTER 1234a2ec :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 OPCHAN :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNREGISTER :cl1 wait cl2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 CUNSUSPEND :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 UNREGISTER :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 OPCHAN :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 UNREGISTER 1234a2ec :cl1 join %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%4 UNREGISTER :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%2 MOVE %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%4 MERGE %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OPCHAN :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CLVL test2 bogus :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CLVL test2 COOWNER :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELUSER COOWNER test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 MDELOP * :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 TRIM BANS 1w :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 TRIM USERS 1w :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DOWN :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UP :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :UPALL :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :DOWNALL :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test1 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OP test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DEOP test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 VOICE test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DEVOICE test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDTIMEDBAN test2 30s WEH8U :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 BANS :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNBAN test3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELBAN test2 :cl1 mode %testchan%1 +bbb abcdef!ghijkl@123456789012345678901234567890mnopqr.stuvwx.yz ghijkl!mnopqr@123456789012345678901234567890stuvwx.yzabcd.ef mnopqr!stuvwx@123456789012345678901234567890yzabcd.efghij.kl :cl1 mode %testchan%1 +bbb stuvwx!yzabcd@123456789012345678901234567890efghij.klmnop.qr yzabcd!efghij@123456789012345678901234567890klmnop.qrstuv.wx efghij! :cl1 mode %testchan%1 +bbb klmnop!qrstuv@123456789012345678901234567890wxyzab.cdefgh.ij qrstuv!wxyzab@123456789012345678901234567890cdefgh.ijklmn.op wxyzab!cdefgh@123456789012345678901234567890ijklmn.opqrst.uv :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDTIMEDBAN a! 15s :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNBANALL :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 OPEN :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ACCESS test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ACCESS test1 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 USERS :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CSUSPEND 1w WEH8URCHAN :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 INFO :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 CUNSUSPEND :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 PEEK :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SETINFO Wraa! :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER MASTER test2 :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SETINFO Arrr! :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 WIPEINFO test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SEEN test2 :cl2 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 NAMES :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 EVENTS :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SAY Hi :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 EMOTE burps. :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :CSEARCH PRINT LIMIT 20 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :UNVISITED :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET DEFAULTTOPIC foo bar baz :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOPICMASK foo * baz :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET ENFTOPIC 5 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GREETING Hello non-user! :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET USERGREETING Hello user! :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PUBCMD 6 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET STRICTOP 5 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET AUTOOP 4 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PROTECT 0 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOYS 0 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SETTERS 2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOPICREFRESH 1 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET VOICE OFF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET USERINFO ON :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET DYNLIMIT ON :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET TOPICSNARF OFF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET PEONINVITE OFF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET NODELETE ON :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET DYNLIMIT OFF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MODES +nt :cl1 raw :MODE %testchan%1 +bb abc! foo! :cl1 raw :MODE %testchan%1 -plkb 500 bah foo! :cl1 raw :MODE %testchan%1 +plkntDrcC 500 bah :cl1 raw :CLEARMODE %testchan%1 :cl1 raw :OPMODE %testchan%1 +oo %chanserv% test1 :cl1 raw :GLINE * 3600 :We don't like Examplians. :cl1 raw :GLINE * 3600 :We like you again :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNREGISTER :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 TOPIC blah blah blah :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DEOP %chanserv% :cl1 raw :KICK %testchan%1 test2 :cl1 raw :TOPIC %testchan%1 :Topic set by test1 :cl1 privmsg %testchan%1 :goodbye # Test raw protocol functionality :cl1 raw :STATS u %srvx% :cl1 raw :STATS c %srvx% :cl1 raw :VERSION %srvx% :cl1 raw :ADMIN %srvx% :cl1 raw :WHOIS %nickserv% %nickserv% :cl1 join 0 :cl1 raw :AWAY :doing stuff :cl1 raw :AWAY :cl1 raw :MODE test1 +iwsdh :cl1 raw :KILL test3 :die, foo :cl1 raw :MODE test1 -oiwsdh # Test gline functions :cl1 raw :OPER %opernick% %operpass% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline 1h Test gline 1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline 1m Test gline 2 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline 1h Test gline 2 (updated) :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gline 10 Very short gline :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :refreshg %srv1name% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :refreshg :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :stats glines :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace print mask *@* limit 5 issuer test1 reason * :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace count mask *@* limit 5 issuer test1 reason * :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace ungline mask * :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gtrace break mask * :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :trace print ip mask *!*@* limit 5 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :trace print ip 66.* :cl1 mode %testchan%1 +b abc! :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :%testchan%1 BAN def :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :%testchan%1 BAN *!* # Test modcmd functions :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TIMECMD BIND %opserv% gumbo *modcmd.bind %opserv% $1- $$ :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP gumbo :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :gumbo gumbo gumbo :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo FLAGS gumbo :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo FLAGS +gumbo :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo FLAGS +disabled,-oper CHANNEL_LEVEL none :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo OPER_LEVEL 1001 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo ACCOUNT_FLAGS +g WEIGHT 0 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODCMD gumbo bogus options :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNBIND %opserv% gumbo :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TIMECMD BIND %opserv% gumbo %opserv%.bind %opserv% $1- :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNBIND %opserv% gumbo :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS MODULES :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS MODULES MODCMD :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVICES :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVICES %opserv% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :READHELP OpServ :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :SHOWCOMMANDS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPFILES %opserv% :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :COMMAND REGISTER # Test HelpServ functions connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv1% :Test Bot 3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV REGISTER %helpserv% %testchan%1 test1 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :huh? :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDHELPER test2 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :CLVL test2 pizzaboy :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :DELUSER test2 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :DELUSER testy :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET PAGETARGET %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET PAGETYPE NOTICE :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET ALERTPAGETARGET %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET ALERTPAGETYPE PRIVMSG :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET STATUSPAGETARGET %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET STATUSPAGETYPE ONOTICE :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET GREETING Hello Earthling! Please talk to me! :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQOPENED Your request has been accepted! :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQASSIGNED Your request has been assigned to a helper! :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQCLOSED Goodbye and leave us alone next time! :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET IDLEDELAY 5m :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET WHINEDELAY 3m :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET WHINEINTERVAL 3m :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET EMPTYINTERVAL 3m :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET STALEDELAY 5m :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQPERSIST PART :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET HELPERPERSIST CLOSE :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET NOTIFICATION ACCOUNTCHANGES :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQMAXLEN 5 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET IDWRAP 10 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET REQONJOIN ON :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET AUTOVOICE ON :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET AUTODEVOICE ON :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SET :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ALL :cl3 wait cl1 :cl3 join %testchan%1 :cl3 privmsg %helpserv% :eye kant auth 2 my acount test2 plz 2 help! :cl1 wait cl3 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ASSIGNED :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :STATS :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :STATS test1 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :NEXT :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :NEXT :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :PICKUP test3 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ASSIGNED :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST UNASSIGNED :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ALL :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST PIZZA :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test5 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2 :cl3 wait cl1 :cl3 nick test4 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH test2 tested :cl3 nick test3 :cl1 wait cl3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :REASSIGN test3 test1 :cl3 wait cl1 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH test2 testest :cl3 privmsg %helpserv% :THX IT WORX NOW!! :cl1 wait cl3 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :LIST ME :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDNOTE george this guy is a tool :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDNOTE test2 this should be the first note that works :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :ADDNOTE *test2 this guy is a tool :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :CLOSE 2 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :SHOW 1 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :CLOSE test3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :RECONNECT :cl1 sleep 20 :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELP :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELP COMMANDS :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELP BOTS :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :BOTS :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET BOGUS :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET STYLE DEF :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELPERS :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET STYLE ZOOT :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :HELPERS :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :VERSION CVS :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :PAGE and i-----i'm calling all you angels :cl1 privmsg %helpserv% :STATSREPORT :cl1 part %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV BOGUS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV PICKUP :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV READHELP :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV BOTS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV STATS %helpserv% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV STATS %helpserv% test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV MOVE %helpserv% %helpserv2% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELPSERV UNREGISTER %helpserv2% # Test NickServ functions :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :STATUS :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :VERSION :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP COMMANDS :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ADDMASK :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ADDMASK *!**foo@** :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ADDMASK **foo@** :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OADDMASK test1 *!**foo@** :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ODELMASK test1 *!**foo@** :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :DELMASK **foo@** :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :DELMASK *@*.%domain% :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SEARCH PRINT HOSTMASK :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SEARCH PRINT HOSTMASK EXACT *foo@* LIMIT 5 REGISTERED >=1m # cannot test with email since it breaks profiling.. argh :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test3 bleh :cl1 wait cl3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGISTER *bleh :cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :OREGISTER test4 bleh *@* test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :OREGISTER test4 bleh test3@bar :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO test3bcd :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :USERINFO test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :NICKINFO test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET jobaba :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test3 BOGUS :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET test3 FLAGS +f :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :RENAME test4 test3 :cl3 wait cl1 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test3 bleh :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH bleh :cl1 wait cl3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ALLOWAUTH test3 test2 :cl3 wait cl1 :cl3 nick test4 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :REGNICK :cl3 nick test3 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :REGISTER test3 bleh :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH bleh :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :PASS bleh blargh :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :ADDMASK *@foo.%domain% :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :DELMASK *@foo.%domain% :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :SET :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :SET MAXLOGINS 1 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :RECLAIM test3 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGNICK test3 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGISTER bleach :cl1 wait cl3 :cl3 quit :cl1 sleep 5 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :RENAME *test4 test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 INFO hi hi hi! :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 WIDTH 1 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 WIDTH 80 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 WIDTH 1000 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 TABLEWIDTH 1 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 TABLEWIDTH 80 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 TABLEWIDTH 1000 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 COLOR OFF :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 COLOR ON :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 COLOR TV :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PRIVMSG ON :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PRIVMSG OFF :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PRIVMSG IGNORED :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ON :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS OFF :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ? :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE NOT SPAM :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 PASSWORD whocares? :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO *test3 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test3 INFO * :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGISTER test4 bleh *@* :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGISTER test4@bogus bleh *@* :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGNICK *test3 test3a :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGNICK *test3 test3b :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OREGNICK *test3 test3c :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGNICK test3c :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGNICK test3b :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OUNREGNICK test3a :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%2 *test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :REGISTER %testchan%3 *test3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%2 ADDUSER COOWNER *test3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 ADDUSER COOWNER *test2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER COOWNER *test3 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 ADDUSER COOWNER *test2 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :MERGE *test3 *test2 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :SET STYLE DEF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 USERS :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%2 USERS :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%3 USERS :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :ACCOUNTINFO *test2 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 MAXLOGINS 100 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 MAXLOGINS 1 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 LEVEL 999 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :OSET *test2 LEVEL 998 connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv1% :Test Bot 3 :cl1 sleep 6 :cl3 wait cl1 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :AUTH test2 testest :cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :VACATION :cl2 wait cl3 :cl2 privmsg %nickserv% :GHOST test3 :cl3 sleep 3 :cl3 quit # Test OpServ functions :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ACCESS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ACCESS * :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CHANINFO %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WHOIS test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :INVITEME :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :PART %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS BAD :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS GLINES :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS LINKS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS MAX :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS NETWORK :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS NETWORK2 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS RESERVED :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS TRUSTED :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS UPLINK :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS UPTIME :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS ALERTS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS GAGS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS TIMEQ :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS WARN :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :VERSION :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP COMMANDS :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HELP USER :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TRACE DOMAINS DEPTH 2 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TRACE COUNT LIMIT 3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :TRACE HULA-HOOP LIMIT 3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CSEARCH PRINT NAME * TOPIC * USERS <3 TIMESTAMP >0 LIMIT 5 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CSEARCH COUNT NAME * TOPIC * USERS <3 TIMESTAMP >0 LIMIT 5 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WARN %testchan%4 quiche eaters live here :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS WARN :cl1 join %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNWARN %testchan%4 :cl1 mode %testchan%4 +bbbsnt a! b! c! :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLEARBANS %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLEARMODES %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DEOP %testchan%4 test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :OP %testchan%4 test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DEOPALL %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :VOICEALL %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :OPALL %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JUPE 4095 Craptacular Jupe Server :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNJUPE :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JUMP clan-dk :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE pizza 1y Pizza is not allowed on this network :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE *@* 1w GO AWAY I HATE THE WORLD :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE 0 Fat-laden freak :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GLINE 1m Testing G-line removal :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNGLINE 1m Testing G-line removal :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNGLINE 1m Testing G-line removal :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :REFRESHG :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GSYNC %srv1name%.illegal :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GSYNC :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :WHOIS test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :JOIN %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICK %testchan%4 test1 :cl1 join %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICKALL %testchan%4 :cl1 join %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICKBAN %testchan%4 test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :PART %testchan%4 hahah u r banned :cl1 join %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :MODE %testchan%4 +snti :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :NICKBAN %testchan%4 test1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNBAN %testchan%4 *!*@*.%domain% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :KICKBANALL %testchan%4 :cl1 part %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :COLLIDE test3 foo nick jupe :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNRESERVE test3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :RESERVE test3 foo nick jupe 2 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNRESERVE test3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4abc :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4abc EXCEPT :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDBAD %testchan%4abc EXCEPT %testchan%4ab :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDEXEMPT %testchan%4ab :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELEXEMPT %testchan%4ab :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDTRUST 0 1w We like incrementing numbers :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDTRUST foo@ 0 1w We like incrementing numbers :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDTRUST 0 1w We like incrementing numbers :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELTRUST :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE ADD test3 nick jupe 3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE ADD test3 nick jupe 3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE REMOVE gobbledygook :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE REMOVE %chanserv% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE bogus test3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE JOIN test3 %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE OP test3 %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE SAY test3 %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE SAY test3 %testchan%1 HAHA H4X :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE JOIN test3 %testchan%1abc :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE PART test3 %testchan%1 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLONE REMOVE test3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :GAG test3!*@*.%domain% 1w Clones sux connect cl3 test3 test3 %srv2% :Test Bot 3 :cl1 wait cl3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDALERT test3 kill NICK test3 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELALERT test3 kill NICK test3 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP :cl3 nick test4 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP :cl3 nick test3 :cl3 privmsg %nickserv% :HELP :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :UNGAG test3!*@*.%domain% :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :SET server/max_users 128 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :SETTIME * # Test MemoServ functions :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND gobble,dy HELLO? :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test2 HELLO? :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SET NOTIFY ON :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SET AUTHNOTIFY ON :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SET NOTIFY OFF :cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SET AUTHNOTIFY OFF :cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :LIST :cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test1 HELLO! :cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE 0 :cl1 wait cl2 :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :SET PRIVATE ON :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test1 DO YOU STILL LIKE ME? :cl1 wait cl2 :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 DELUSER test2 :cl1 privmsg %nickserv% :RENAME test2 testy :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %memoserv% :SEND test1 DO YOU STILL LIKE ME? :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :LIST :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :READ 1 :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :READ 10 :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE 10 :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE ALL :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :DELETE ALL CONFIRM :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :EXPIRE :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :EXPIRY :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :VERSION :cl1 privmsg %memoserv% :STATUS # Test ServerSpy functions :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DISCONNECT :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DISCONNECT :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVERSPY :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CONNECT :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CONNECT :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELMOD hl bogus :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELMOD hl cstrike :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELMOD bogus cstrike :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELGAME hl :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :DELGAME hl :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDGAME hl Half Life :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDGAME hl Half Life :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDMOD hl cstrike Counter-Strike :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDMOD hl cstrike Counter-Strike :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :ADDMOD bogus cstrike Counter-Strike :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :HELP SERVERSPY :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY GAME hl :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose GAME bogus :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose GAME hl MOD bogus :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME Jose GAME hl MOD cstrike :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY NAME *p* GAME hl MOD cstrike :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :SERVERSPY SERVER *?p* GAME hl MOD cstrike :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME bogus :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME hl :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET GAME :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD bogus :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD cstrike :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET MOD :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CLANTAG [D] :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CLANTAG [D* :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET CLANTAG :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SERVERTAG [D] :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SERVERTAG [D* :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET SERVERTAG :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SERVERSPY NAME *p* :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 LOCATECLAN :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 LOCATESERVER :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :STATS SERVERSPY # Test proxy checker code :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :HOSTSCAN :cl1 sleep 10 :cl1 privmsg %opserv% :CLEARHOST # Clean up test channel :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 SET NODELETE OFF :cl1 privmsg %chanserv% :%testchan%1 UNREGISTER # exit all clients :cl2 wait cl1 :cl2 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGISTER MY SHIZNIT :cl2 privmsg %nickserv%@%srvx% :UNREGISTER testest :cl1 wait cl2 :cl1 quit :cl2 quit :cl3 quit # THINGS NOT HIT YET: # announcing user modes +w, +s, +d, +g, +h, +x # sending bursts with: # user list wrapping to a new line # voiced users on srvx's side # ban list wrapping to a new line (on first ban or on later bans) # sending ERROR # KILL from a real user # sending SVSNICK # sending PART with no reason (not just an empty reason) # sending raw text # calling change_nicklen() # receiving numerics 331, 432 from uplink # receiving AC from uplink # receiving FA from uplink # .. or any other fake host support # receiving voiced users in burst # receiving a burst where remote channel is younger # receiving a KILL from uplink # receiving a SQUIT from uplink # receiving a NOTICE from uplink # receiving a GLINE from uplink # receiving a MODE change for: +s, +h, +f # receiving a MODE <#channel> change for: +p, -k, -b # receiving a ERROR from uplink # clearing modes for a channel with modes: +t, +n, +D, +r, +c, +C, +b # removing a ban from a channel where an earlier ban doesn't match # mod_chanmode() with MC_NOTIFY flag # various hostmask generation options