. */ require_once('lib/graph.class.php'); class shortlog { private $project; private $graph_data; public function generate_shortlog($project, $head, $max, $skip, $file = null, $pages = true, $next_page = 0) { $this->project = $project; $content = new ContentProvider('shortlog', 'shortlog'); $commits = GitCommand::get_commits($project['path'], $head, $max+$skip+1, 0, $file); $this->graph_data = new graph_data_generator(); if($head == null) { //add all refs to the graph foreach($this->project['refs'] as $ref => $rhash) { if(preg_match('#^refs/heads/#i', $ref) && preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]*$/i', $rhash)) { $this->graph_data->add_branch($rhash, $ref); } } foreach($this->project['refs'] as $ref => $rhash) { if(preg_match('#^refs/remotes/#i', $ref) && preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]*$/i', $rhash)) { $this->graph_data->add_branch($rhash, $ref); } } } $this->graph_data->parse($commits); $commit_counter = 0; foreach($commits as $commit) { $commit_counter++; if($commit_counter < $skip) continue; if($commit_counter > $max+$skip) { if($pages) { $content->append('entries', new ContentProvider('shortlog', 'shortlog_page', array("page" => $next_page))); } else $content->append('entries', new ContentProvider('shortlog', 'shortlog_more')); } else $content->append('entries', $this->shortlog_entry(($commit_counter % 2 ? 'dark' : 'light'), $commit)); } return $content; } private function shortlog_entry($class, $commit) { $entry = new ContentProvider('shortlog', 'shortlog_entry'); $entry->set('class', $class); $entry->set('hash', $commit['id']); $entry->set('author', htmlentities($commit['author'])); $entry->set('message', htmlentities(Tools::chop_text($commit['text'], 50, 5))); $age = time() - $commit['committer_time']; $date_str = date("Y-m-d", ($commit['committer_time'] ? $commit['committer_time'] : $commit['author_time'])); $age_calc = Tools::age_calculate($commit['committer_time']); $age_str = $age_calc['age_str']; if($age > 60*60*24*7*2) { $entry->set('date', $age_str); $entry->set('age', $date_str); } else { $entry->set('date', $date_str); $entry->set('age', $age_str); } $entry->set('graph_data', $this->graph_data->get_graph($commit['id'])); $entry->set('refs', $this->shortlog_commit_refs($commit['id'])); return $entry; } private function shortlog_commit_refs($hash) { if(!is_array($this->project['refs'])) return ""; $refs = new ContentProvider('shortlog', 'shortlog_refs'); $found = false; foreach($this->project['refs'] as $ref => $rhash) { if(strtolower($rhash) == strtolower($hash)) { $refexp = explode('/', $ref, 3); $reftype = $refexp[1]; if($reftype == 'heads') $reftype = 'head'; else if($reftype == 'remotes') $reftype = 'remote'; else if($reftype == 'tags') $reftype = 'tag'; $refs->append('refs', new ContentProvider('shortlog', 'shortlog_ref_'.$reftype, array("name" => $refexp[2], "ref_link" => $ref))); $found = true; } } return ($found ? $refs : ""); } } class page_shortlog { private $page, $phpgitweb; public function main($phpgitweb, $project) { $this->phpgitweb = $phpgitweb; $this->project = $project; if(!$this->project) return; $project['refs'] = $phpgitweb->get_project_loader()->getProjectRefs($project); $this->page = new ContentProvider('shortlog', 'main'); //pages if(array_key_exists('pg', $_GET)) { $skip = $_GET['pg'] * 100; $next_page = $_GET['pg'] + 1; } else { $skip = 0; $next_page = 1; } $shortlog = new shortlog(); $this->page->set('shortlog', $shortlog->generate_shortlog($project, null, 100, $skip, null, true, $next_page)); return $this->page; } } ?>