define srv1 localhost:7601 define srv1-name define hidden-srv * define channel #random-channel define cl1-nick Ch4n0pm4n # Connect a client and join it to the test channel. connect cl1 %cl1-nick% op3rm4n %srv1% :Some Chanop :cl1 join %channel% # Issue a variety of bans, all of which should be accepted. :cl1 mode %channel% +b *!*@ :cl1 mode %channel% +b *!*@1.0.0.* :cl1 mode %channel% +b *!*@* :cl1 mode %channel% +b *!foo@* :cl1 mode %channel% +b *!*@*.bar.example.* # Check the modes on the channel. :cl1 mode %channel% +b # These regexps make my eyes bleed almost enough to add a load of code to # There's another test-driver problem here, too: one "expect" works fine, but a second # one never sees the second numeric response from the server. :cl1 expect %srv1-name% 367 %channel% \\*!\\*@\\*\\.bar\\.example\\.* %cl1-nick% \\d+ # Check that a more-encompassing ban removes the old bans. :cl1 mode %channel% +b *!*@1.0.* :cl1 expect %cl1-nick% mode %channel% -bb\\+b \\*!\\*@1\\.0\\.0\\.\\* \\*!\\*@1\\.0\\.0\\.0/16 \\*!\\*@1\\.0\\.\\* # Check that a narrower ban cannot be added. # Somewhat sadly, the first command gets no response at all. :cl1 mode %channel% +b *!*@ :cl1 mode %channel% +b :cl1 expect %srv1-name% 367 %channel% \\*!\\*@1\\.0\\.\\* %cl1-nick% \\d+ # Can we remove a broader ban and add a narrow ban at the same time? # This was the core of the bug report (SF#1840011). :cl1 mode %channel% -b+b *!*@1.0.* *!*@ :cl1 expect %cl1-nick% mode %channel% -b\\+b \\*!\\*@1\\.0\\.\\* \\*!\\*@1\\.0\\.0\\.1 :cl1 quit done