Notes on checking out from the Undernet CVS archive and maintenance. General Strategy: The main trunk of the tree will be used for ongoing development only (alpha) this code is not intended to be used on the production network. When development has reached a point of relative stability a tag will be applied to the development branch and a beta tag will be applied to that branch. For beta test servers only the tagged branches will be used. When a tag is applied we will also produce a snapshot tarball of the tag. Once a beta tagged release has been proven stable any fixes will be merged into the main tagged version and the code will be voted on for release. Fixes after release will be tagged with a patchlevel tag. You check out a tagged release by specifying the -r tag option to cvs. This is the command to check out the most recent tagged version of ircu2.10.07: cvs -d co -r u2_10_07_pl6 -P ircu2.10 Developers doing maintenance and bug fixes should only check out the current tagged patchlevel for the affected version. Once the fix has proven stable, it will be merged into the tree the fix is relative to. We will not merge the changes that have been made to ircu2.10.07 since it's release into the development branch, the 2.10.07 branch is a maintenance only branch. If you have any questions on how to check out tagged versions check out the coder-com web page or the cvs manual page. If you're really stumped feel free to ask in #coder-com. We will put out new tarballs for every tagged release which will be available on the coder-com web page. Naming Conventions: Tag Names: Major release - u2_10_10 Beta release - u2_10_10_beta01 Production patch - u2_10_07_pl9 The tree currently looks like this: Trunk: development only ------------------------------------------------ \ \ \----- u2_10_07 \---- u2_10_10 --- release --------- \ \ \ \--- u2_10_07_pl9 \--- u2_10_10_beta06 \ u2_10_10_pl01 Patches will be rolled into the tagged branch and eventually rolled into the development branch. All new development should be relative to the trunk, only bugfixes and maintenance coding should be applied to any tagged version. Developers doing maintenance should only check out the latest pl or beta tag and apply the changes relative to that tag. These changes will be committed to the tag they were checked out from and once proven stable they will be merged into the main tagged trunk by the maintainer. Where to get CVS: Checking out: First you need to login to cvs: cvs -d login It will prompt you for a password. There is no password so hit enter. To check out the recommended patchlevel for ircu2.10.07 use: cvs -d co -r u2_10_07_pl6 -P ircu2.10 For the ircu2.10.10 beta archive use: cvs -d co -r u2_10_10_beta06 -P ircu2.10 To check out the current development archive use: cvs -d co -P ircu2.10 For the ircu3 pipedream archive use: cvs -d co -P ircu3 When you want to update your source tree later to the latest version, use cvs update -P inside ircu2.10/, the directory ircu2.10 was checked out to. How to find the most current available release: We will announce the most current release tag when we make it available, in general you will check out the main branch of any given tree, if you want the current production release use the "u2_10_07" tag, for patched versions use a patchlevel tag "u2_10_07_pl6". You can always find the most recent tag for any version by looking at the Undernet Coder Com CVS archive: