. * * * ************************************************************************ * * Uplink/Uplink.class.php * * This file contains the basic P10 Protocol handler. * */ require_once("Client.class.php"); require_once("Numerics.class.php"); require_once("P10Formatter.class.php"); require_once("P10_Server.class.php"); require_once("P10_User.class.php"); require_once("P10_Channel.class.php"); require_once("P10_ModeSets.class.php"); require_once("EventHandler.interface.php"); require_once("IPAddr.class.php"); $e=1; define("ERR_NICK_IN_USE", $e++); define("ERR_INVALID_USER", $e++); define("ERR_INVALID_CHANNAME", $e++); define("ERR_NOT_CONNECTED", $e++); define("ERR_NOT_ON_CHANNEL", $e++); class Uplink { private $client; private $settings = array(); private $server; private $eventHandler = null; private $last_local_numeric = 0; const FLAG_P10SESSION = 0x0001; //connection is in P10 mode (server is connected) const FLAG_SECURITY_QUIT = 0x0002; //local connection abort because of security issues const FLAG_NOT_CONNECTABLE = 0x0004; //remote server is not connectable const FLAG_BURST_PENDING = 0x0008; //we still have to burst const FLAG_CONNECTED = 0x0010; //connected and synced (ready) const FLAG_GOT_PASS = 0x0020; //got PASS from the remote Server private $flags = 0; public function __construct() { $this->client = new Client(); $this->setSetting("recv_timeout", 1000); $this->setSetting("his_usermask", "user.NoMask"); } public function initialize() { if($this->server) { trigger_error("Uplink already initialized.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $self_numeric = $this->getSetting("numeric"); $self_name = $this->getSetting("name"); $self_description = $this->getSetting("description"); if(!$self_numeric || !$self_name) { trigger_error("Server Settings missing.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $this->server = new P10_Server($self_name, $self_numeric, null, time(), time(), $self_description); } public function loop() { if($this->server == null) { trigger_error("Uplink not initialized.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if(!$this->client->connected()) { if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_P10SESSION)) { //Server got disconnected $this->server->disconnectServer($this->eventHandler, true); $this->flags &= ~self::FLAG_P10SESSION; } $host = $this->getSetting("host"); $port = $this->getSetting("port"); if($host == null || $port == null) { trigger_error("Uplink Settings missing.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_SECURITY_QUIT) || ($this->flags & self::FLAG_NOT_CONNECTABLE)) { sleep(1); } $state = $this->client->connect($host, $port, $this->getSetting("bind"), $this->getSetting("ssl"), $this->getSetting("recv_timeout")); if(!$state) { usleep($this->getSetting("recv_timeout") / 1000); $this->flags |= self::FLAG_NOT_CONNECTABLE; return; } $this->flags = 0; $this->loginServer(); } //try to receive new data from the Uplink $lines = $this->client->recv(); if($lines == null) return; foreach($lines as $line) { $this->parseLine($line); } } public function shutdown() { if($this->client->connected()) { if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_P10SESSION)) { $this->send("SQ", "Shutdown requested."); } $this->client->disconnect(); } } public function setUplinkHost($host, $port, $ssl = false, $bind = null) { $this->setSetting("host", $host); $this->setSetting("port", $port); $this->setSetting("ssl", $ssl); $this->setSetting("bind", $bind); } public function setLoopTimeout($timeout) { $this->setSetting("recv_timeout", $timeout); } public function setUplinkServer($numeric, $name, $password, $description) { $this->setSetting("numeric", Numerics::intToNum($numeric, 2)); $this->setSetting("name", $name); $this->setSetting("password", $password); $this->setSetting("description", $description); } public function setValidateServer($name, $password) { $this->setSetting("their_name", $name); $this->setSetting("their_password", $password); } public function setHISOptions($servername, $serverdesc, $usermask) { $this->setSetting("his_name", $servername); $this->setSetting("his_desc", $serverdesc); $this->setSetting("his_usermask", $usermask); } public function setEventHandler($event_handler) { if(!is_a($event_handler, "EventHandler")) { trigger_error((is_object($event_handler) ? get_class($event_handler) : gettype($event_handler))." is NOT a valid EventHandler.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $this->eventHandler = $event_handler; } private function setSetting($setting, $value) { $this->settings[$setting] = $value; } private function getSetting($setting) { if(array_key_exists($setting, $this->settings)) { return $this->settings[$setting]; } else { return null; } } private function loginServer() { $password = $this->getSetting("password"); $this->send("PASS", $password); $this->send("SERVER", $this->server->getName(), $this->server->getStartTime(), $this->server->getLinkTime(), $this->server->getNumeric(), $this->server->getDescription()); } private function parseLine($line) { $highExplode = explode(" :", $line, 2); $tokens = explode(" ", $highExplode[0]); if(count($highExplode) > 1) $tokens[] = $highExplode[1]; $cmdPos = (($this->flags & self::FLAG_P10SESSION) ? 1 : 0); if($cmdPos == 1) $from = $tokens[0]; else $from = null; $arguments = array_slice($tokens, $cmdPos + 1); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_P10SESSION) && $this->eventHandler) { $this->eventHandler->event_preparse($from, strtoupper($tokens[$cmdPos]), $arguments); } switch(strtoupper($tokens[$cmdPos])) { //pre P10 Session case "PASS": $this->recv_pass($from, $arguments); break; case "SERVER": $this->recv_server($from, $arguments); break; case "ERROR": $this->recv_error($from, $arguments); break; //P10 Session case "S": $this->recv_server($from, $arguments); break; case "G": $this->recv_ping($from, $arguments); break; case "N": $this->recv_nick($from, $arguments); break; case "EB": $this->recv_end_of_burst($from, $arguments); break; case "EA": $this->recv_end_of_burst_ack($from, $arguments); break; case "SQ": $this->recv_server_quit($from, $arguments); break; case "Q": $this->recv_quit($from, $arguments); break; case "B": $this->recv_burst($from, $arguments); break; case "J": case "C": $this->recv_join($from, $arguments); break; case "L": $this->recv_part($from, $arguments); break; case "K": $this->recv_kick($from, $arguments); break; case "D": $this->recv_kill($from, $arguments); break; case "P": $this->recv_privmsg($from, $arguments); break; case "O": $this->recv_notice($from, $arguments); break; case "W": $this->recv_whois($from, $arguments); break; case "A": $this->recv_away($from, $arguments); break; case "M": case "OM": $this->recv_mode($from, $arguments); break; //default default: //unknown cmd if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_unknown_cmd($from, strtoupper($tokens[$cmdPos]), $arguments); break; } } private function send($command) { if(func_num_args() > 1) { $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); $command = P10Formatter::formatCMD($this->getSetting("numeric"), $command, $args); } else { $command = P10Formatter::formatCMD($this->getSetting("numeric"), $command, array()); } $this->client->send($command); } /******************************************************************************************** * INCOMING COMMANDS * ********************************************************************************************/ private function recv_pass($from, $args) { $their_pass = $this->getSetting("their_password"); if($their_pass) { if($args[0] != $their_pass) { //security QUIT $this->flags |= self::FLAG_SECURITY_QUIT; $this->send("ERROR", "Incorrect password received."); $this->client->disconnect(); return; } $this->flags |= self::FLAG_GOT_PASS; } } private function recv_error($from, $args) { //we received an error - the socket is dead for us, now //maybe we want to log this, later $this->client->disconnect(); } private function recv_server($from, $args) { if($from == null) { //our uplink Server $their_name = $this->getSetting("their_name"); if($their_name && $args[0] != $their_name) { $this->flags |= self::FLAG_SECURITY_QUIT; $this->send("ERROR", "Invalid Server name"); $this->client->disconnect(); return; } if($this->getSetting("their_password") && !($this->flags & self::FLAG_GOT_PASS)) { $this->flags |= self::FLAG_SECURITY_QUIT; $this->send("ERROR", "PASS missing."); $this->client->disconnect(); return; } $new_server = new P10_Server($args[0], substr($args[5],0,2), $this->server, $args[2], $args[3], $args[7]); $this->server->addServer($new_server); $this->flags |= self::FLAG_P10SESSION | self::FLAG_BURST_PENDING; if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_newserver($new_server, !($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)); } else { //another server got a new slave server ^^ $server = P10_Server::getServerByNum($from); if($server == null) { trigger_error("Parent Server (".$from.") does not exist or was not found on recv_server.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $new_server = new P10_Server($args[0], substr($args[5],0,2), $server, $args[2], $args[3], $args[7]); $server->addServer($new_server); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_newserver($new_server, !($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)); } } private function recv_ping($from, $args) { $this->send("Z", $args[0]); //simply PONG P10_Channel::recheckAllChannels(); } private function recv_nick($from, $args) { if(count($args) <= 2) { //Nick change $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to change the nick of an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_nick.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_nick($user, $args[0]); $user->setNick($args[0]); } else { //New User $numeric = $args[count($args)-2]; $nick = $args[0]; $server = P10_Server::getServerByNum($from); if($server == null) { trigger_error("Server (".$from.") the User (".$nick.") is coming from does not exist or was not found on recv_nick.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if(substr($numeric,0,2) != $from) { trigger_error("A Server (".$from.") tries to connect a User with an invalid User numeric ('".$numeric."' does not belong to the Server)", E_USER_WARNING); } $connect_time = $args[2]; $ident = $args[3]; $host = $args[4]; $modes = implode(" ",array_slice($args, 5, count($args)-8)); $modes = new P10_UserModeSet($modes); $ip = new IPAddr($args[count($args)-3]); $realname = $args[count($args)-1]; $user = new P10_User($nick, $numeric, $server, $connect_time, $ident, $host, $ip, $realname, $modes); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_connect($user, !($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)); } } private function recv_end_of_burst($from, $args) { if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_BURST_PENDING)) { $this->burst(); $this->send("EA"); $this->flags &= ~self::FLAG_BURST_PENDING; } } private function recv_end_of_burst_ack($from, $args) { $this->flags |= self::FLAG_CONNECTED; } private function recv_server_quit($from, $args) { $server = P10_Server::getServerByName($args[0]); if($server == null) { trigger_error("Server (".$args[0].") not found.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $server->disconnectServer($this->eventHandler); } private function recv_quit($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to quit an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_quit.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_quit($user, $args[0]); $user->quit($args[0]); } private function recv_burst($from, $args) { $name = $args[0]; $create_time = $args[1]; if(count($args) == 2) { //we've got an empty channel without any modes set??? dead channel! return; } $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($name); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($name); $channel->setCreateTime($create_time); $modes = $channel->getModes(); $userstr = $args[count($args)-1]; if($userstr[0] == "%") { //ban list $banlist = explode(" ", substr($userstr, 1)); foreach($banlist as $ban) { //TODO: save bans } $userstr = $args[count($args)-2]; } if($userstr[0] == "+") { //MODE String $userstr = ""; } $users = explode(",",$userstr); $isop = false; $isvoice = false; foreach($users as $user) { if($user == "") continue; $uexp = explode(":", $user); if(strlen($uexp[0]) != 5) { trigger_error("burst parse error: '".$uexp[0]."' is not an user numeric.", E_USER_WARNING); break; } if(count($uexp) > 1) { $isop = false; $isvoice = false; for($i = 0; $i < strlen($uexp[1]); $i++) { if($uexp[1][0] == "@") $isop = true; if($uexp[1][0] == "+") $isvoice = true; } } $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($uexp[0]); if($user == null) { trigger_error("burst parse error: cant find User '".$uexp[0]."'.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $channel->burstUser($user, $isop, $isvoice); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_join($user, $channel, true); } $modes->parseModes(implode(" ", array_slice($args, 2))); } private function recv_join($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to join an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_join.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($args[0]); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($args[0]); $channel->joinUser($user); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_join($user, $channel, false); } private function recv_part($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to part an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_join.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($args[0]); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($args[0]); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_part($user, $channel, $args[1]); $channel->partUser($user); } private function recv_kick($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("An unknown user tries to kick another user on recv_kick.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($args[0]); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($args[0]); $target = P10_User::getUserByNum($args[1]); if($target == null) { trigger_error("Someone tries to kick an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_kick.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_kick($user, $target, $channel, $args[1]); $channel->partUser($user); } private function recv_kill($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($args[0]); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to kill an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_quit.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_quit($user, "Killed (".$args[1].")"); $user->quit($args[1]); } private function recv_privmsg($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send a privmsg from an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_privmsg.", E_USER_WARNING); return; } if($this->eventHandler) { if($args[0][0] == "#") { $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($args[0]); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($args[0]); if(strlen($args[1]) > 0 && $args[1][0] == "\001") { //ctcp $args[1] = substr($args[1],1); if($args[1][strlen($args[1])-1] == "\001") $args[1] = substr($args[1],0,-1); $ctcpexp = explode(" ",$args[1],2); $this->eventHandler->event_chanctcp($user, $channel, strtoupper($ctcpexp[0]), (count($ctcpexp) > 1 ? $ctcpexp[1] : null)); } else $this->eventHandler->event_chanmessage($user, $channel, $args[1]); } else if($args[0][0] == "$") { //"multicast" $this->eventHandler->event_privmessage($user, NULL, $args[1]); } else { $targetUser = P10_User::getUserByNum($args[0]); if($targetUser == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send a privmsg to an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_privmsg.", E_USER_WARNING); return; } if(strlen($args[1]) > 0 && $args[1][0] == "\001") { //ctcp $args[1] = substr($args[1],1); if($args[1][strlen($args[1])-1] == "\001") $args[1] = substr($args[1],0,-1); $ctcpexp = explode(" ",$args[1],2); $this->eventHandler->event_privctcp($user, $targetUser, strtoupper($ctcpexp[0]), (count($ctcpexp) > 1 ? $ctcpexp[1] : null)); } else $this->eventHandler->event_privmessage($user, $targetUser, $args[1]); } } } private function recv_notice($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send a notice from an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_notice.", E_USER_WARNING); return; } if($this->eventHandler) { if($args[0][0] == "#") { $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($args[0]); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($args[0]); if(strlen($args[1]) > 0 && $args[1][0] == "\001") { //ctcp $args[1] = substr($args[1],1); if($args[1][strlen($args[1])-1] == "\001") $args[1] = substr($args[1],0,-1); $ctcpexp = explode(" ",$args[1],2); $this->eventHandler->event_chanctcpreply($user, $channel, strtoupper($ctcpexp[0]), (count($ctcpexp) > 1 ? $ctcpexp[1] : null)); } else $this->eventHandler->event_channotice($user, $channel, $args[1]); } else if($args[0][0] == "$") { //"multicast" $this->eventHandler->event_privnotice($user, NULL, $args[1]); } else { $targetUser = P10_User::getUserByNum($args[0]); if($targetUser == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send a notice to an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_notice.", E_USER_WARNING); return; } if(strlen($args[1]) > 0 && $args[1][0] == "\001") { //ctcp $args[1] = substr($args[1],1); if($args[1][strlen($args[1])-1] == "\001") $args[1] = substr($args[1],0,-1); $ctcpexp = explode(" ",$args[1],2); $this->eventHandler->event_privctcpreply($user, $targetUser, strtoupper($ctcpexp[0]), (count($ctcpexp) > 1 ? $ctcpexp[1] : null)); } else $this->eventHandler->event_privnotice($user, $targetUser, $args[1]); } } } private function recv_whois($from, $args) { /* [get] ACAAF W AX :NetworkServ */ $fromUser = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($fromUser == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send a whois from an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_whois.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $users=explode(",",$args[1]); foreach($users as $nick) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNick($nick); if(!$user) { $this->send("401", $from, $nick); continue; } $nick = $user->getNick(); $ident = $user->getIdent(); $hostmask = $user->getHost(); $modes = $user->getModes(); if($modes->hasMode('x')) { if(($fakehost = $modes->hasMode('f'))) { $hostmask = $fakehost; } elseif(($account = $modes->hasMode('r'))) { $hostmask = $account.".".$this->getSetting("his_usermask"); } } $realname = $user->getRealname(); $this->send("311", $from , $nick, $ident, $hostmask, $realname); if(((!$modes->hasMode('n') && !$modes->hasMode('k')) || $from == $user->getNumeric()) && count($user->getChannels()) != 0) { $channels = ""; foreach($user->getChannels() as $channel) { $cmodes = $channel->getModes(); $privs = $channel->getUserPrivs($user); if($cmodes->hasMode("s") && !$fromUser->isOnChannel($channel) && $from != $user->getNumeric()) continue; if($cmodes->hasMode("u") && ($privs & (P10_Channel::USERPRIV_OPED | P10_Channel::USERPRIV_VOICE)) == 0 && $from != $user->getNumeric()) continue; $chanstr = ($channels == "" ? "" : " "); $prefix = ""; if(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_OPED)) { $prefix = "@"; } else if(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_VOICE)) { $prefix = "+"; } $chanstr .= $prefix.$channel->getName(); if(strlen($channels) + strlen($chanstr) > 450) { $this->send("319", $from, $nick, $channels); $channels = $prefix.$channel->getName(); } } if($channels != "") { $this->send("319", $from, $nick, $channels); } } if($fromUser->getModes()->hasMode("o") || $from == $user->getNumeric() || !$this->getSetting("his_name")) { $this->send("312", $from, $nick, $user->getServer()->getName(), $user->getServer()->getDescription()); } else { $this->send("312", $from, $nick, $this->getSetting("his_name"), $this->getSetting("his_desc")); } if($modes->hasMode("o") && (!$modes->hasMode("H") || $fromUser->getModes()->hasMode("o"))) { if($modes->hasMode("S")) { if($modes->hasMode("D")) $this->send("313", $from, $nick, "is a Network Service"); else $this->send("313", $from, $nick, "is an illegal Network Service - HACKER!"); } else $this->send("313", $from, $nick, "is an IRC Operator"); } if(($auth = $modes->hasMode("r"))) { $this->send("330", $from, $nick, $auth); } } $this->send("318", $from, $args[1]); } private function recv_away($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send an away command from an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_away.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } if(count($args) > 0) { $user->setAway($args[0]); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_away($user, $args[0]); } else { $user->setAway(null); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_away($user, null); } } private function recv_mode($from, $args) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNum($from); if($user == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send a modechange from an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_mode.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $modes = implode(" ",array_slice($args,1)); if($args[0][0] == "#") { $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($args[0]); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($args[0]); $channel->getModes()->setModes($modes); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_chanmode($user, $channel, $modes); } else { $targetUser = P10_User::getUserByNick($args[0]); if($targetUser == null) { trigger_error("Server tries to send a mode to an user that does not exist or was not found on recv_mode.", E_USER_ERROR); return; } $targetUser->getModes()->setModes($modes); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_usermode($targetUser, $modes); } } /******************************************************************************************** * SERVER FUNCTIONS * ********************************************************************************************/ private function burst() { foreach($this->server->getUsers() as $user) { $nick = $user->getNick(); $connect_time = $user->getConnectTime(); $ident = $user->getIdent(); $host = $user->getHost(); $modes = $user->getModes()->getModeString(); $ip = $user->getIP()->getNumeric(); $numeric = $user->getNumeric(); $realname = $user->getRealname(); $this->send("N", $nick, $connect_time, $ident, $host, $modes, $ip, $numeric, $realname); } foreach(P10_Channel::getChannels() as $channel) { $sorted_users = array('ov' => array(), 'o' => array(), 'v' => array(), '-' => array()); $local_users = false; foreach($channel->getUsers() as $user) { if(substr($user->getNumeric(), 0, 2) != $this->server->getNumeric()) continue; //skip users that are not on the local server $privs = $channel->getUserPrivs($user); $strPrivs = ""; if(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_OPED)) $strPrivs .= "o"; if(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_VOICE)) $strPrivs .= "v"; if($strPrivs == "") $strPrivs = "-"; $local_users = true; $sorted_users[$strPrivs][] = $user; } if(!$local_users) continue; $userStr = ""; foreach($sorted_users['-'] as $user) { if($userStr != "") $userStr.=","; $userStr .= $user->getNumeric(); } foreach($sorted_users['ov'] as $i => $user) { if($userStr != "") $userStr.=","; $userStr .= $user->getNumeric(); if($i == 0) $userStr .= ":ov"; } foreach($sorted_users['o'] as $i => $user) { if($userStr != "") $userStr.=","; $userStr .= $user->getNumeric(); if($i == 0) $userStr .= ":o"; } foreach($sorted_users['v'] as $i => $user) { if($userStr != "") $userStr.=","; $userStr .= $user->getNumeric(); if($i == 0) $userStr .= ":v"; } $banString = ""; //TODO: Build ban String $burstString = ""; $modeString = $channel->getModes()->getModeString(); if($modeString != "+") { $burstString .= $modeString; } if($userStr != "") { if($burstString != "") $burstString .= " "; $burstString .= $userStr; } if($banString != "") { if($burstString != "") $burstString .= " "; $burstString .= ":%".$banString; } $this->send("B", $channel->getName(), $channel->getCreateTime(), $burstString); } $this->send("EB"); } /******************************************************************************************** * LOCAL USER FUNCTIONS * ********************************************************************************************/ public function addUser($nick, $ident, $host, $ip, $modes, $realname) { $user = P10_User::getUserByNick($nick); if($user != null) return ERR_NICK_IN_USE; $numeric = substr($this->server->getNumeric(),0,2).Numerics::intToNum($this->last_local_numeric, 3); while(P10_User::getUserByNum($numeric)) { $this->last_local_numeric++; $numeric = substr($this->server->getNumeric(),0,2).Numerics::intToNum($this->last_local_numeric, 3); } $this->last_local_numeric++; $modes = new P10_UserModeSet($modes); $ip = new IPAddr($ip); $user = new P10_User($nick, $numeric, $this->server, time(), $ident, $host, $ip, $realname, $modes); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) { $ip = $user->getIP()->getNumeric(); $this->send("N", $nick, $user->getConnectTime(), $ident, $host, $user->getModes()->getModeString(), $ip, $numeric, $realname); } return $user; } public function delUser($user, $reason) { if(!is_a($user, "P10_User")) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if($user->getServer() === $this->server) { //local user (QUIT) $user->quit($reason); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("Q", $user->getNumeric(), $reason); } else { //remote user (KILL) if(!($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) return ERR_NOT_CONNECTED; if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_quit($user, "Killed (".$reason.")"); $user->quit("Killed (".$reason.")"); $name = ($this->getSetting('his_name') ? $this->getSetting('his_name') : $this->getSetting('name')); $this->send("D", $user->getNumeric(), $name, $reason); } } public function join($user, $chanName, $privs = 0) { if(!is_a($user, "P10_User") || !($user->getServer() === $this->server)) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if($chanName[0] != "#") return ERR_INVALID_CHANNAME; $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($chanName); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($chanName); $channel->joinUser($user); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("J", $user->getNumeric(), $chanName, time(), 0); if($privs != 0) { $channel->setUserPrivs($user, $privs); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) { $modestr = "+".(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_OPED) ? "o" : "").(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_VOICE) ? "v" : ""); $modestr .= (($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_OPED) ? " ".$user->getNumeric() : ""); $modestr .= (($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_VOICE) ? " ".$user->getNumeric() : ""); $this->send("OM", $user->getNumeric(), $chanName, $modestr); } } if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_join($user, $channel, false); } public function part($user, $chanName, $reason) { if(!is_a($user, "P10_User") || !($user->getServer() === $this->server)) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(!((is_string($chanName) && $chanName[0] == "#") || is_a($chanName, "P10_Channel"))) return ERR_INVALID_CHANNAME; if(is_a($chanName, "P10_Channel")) $channel = $chanName; else $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($chanName); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($chanName); if(!$user->isOnChannel($channel)) return ERR_NOT_ON_CHANNEL; if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_part($user, $channel, $reason); $channel->partUser($user, $reason); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("L", $user->getNumeric(), $chanName, $reason); } public function kick($user, $target, $chanName, $reason) { if(!is_a($user, "P10_User") || !($user->getServer() === $this->server)) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(!is_a($target, "P10_User")) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(!((is_string($chanName) && $chanName[0] == "#") || is_a($chanName, "P10_Channel"))) return ERR_INVALID_CHANNAME; if(is_a($chanName, "P10_Channel")) $channel = $chanName; else $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($chanName); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($chanName); if(!$target->isOnChannel($channel)) return ERR_NOT_ON_CHANNEL; if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_kick($user, $target, $channel, $reason); $channel->partUser($target, $reason); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("K", $user->getNumeric(), $chanName, $target->getNumeric(), $reason); } public function privmsg($user, $target, $message) { if(!is_a($user, "P10_User") || !($user->getServer() === $this->server)) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(!is_a($target, "P10_User") && !is_a($target, "P10_Channel") && !(is_string($target) && ($target[0] == "#" || P10_User::getUserByNick($target)))) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(is_a($target, "P10_Channel")) $targetStr = $target->getName(); else if(is_a($target, "P10_User")) $targetStr = $target->getNumeric(); else if($target[0] == "#") $targetStr = $target; else $targetStr = P10_User::getUserByNick($target)->getNumeric(); if($this->eventHandler) { if($targetStr[0] == "#") { $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($targetStr); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($targetStr); $this->eventHandler->event_chanmessage($user, $channel, $message); } else { $targetUser = P10_User::getUserByNum($targetStr); $this->eventHandler->event_privmessage($user, $targetUser, $message); } } if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("P", $user->getNumeric(), $targetStr, $message); } public function notice($user, $target, $message) { if(!is_a($user, "P10_User") || !($user->getServer() === $this->server)) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(!is_a($target, "P10_User") && !is_a($target, "P10_Channel") && !(is_string($target) && ($target[0] == "#" || P10_User::getUserByNick($target)))) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(is_a($target, "P10_Channel")) $targetStr = $target->getName(); else if(is_a($target, "P10_User")) $targetStr = $target->getNumeric(); else if($target[0] == "#") $targetStr = $target; else $targetStr = P10_User::getUserByNick($target)->getNumeric(); if($this->eventHandler) { if($targetStr[0] == "#") { $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($targetStr); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($targetStr); $this->eventHandler->event_channotice($user, $channel, $message); } else { $targetUser = P10_User::getUserByNum($targetStr); $this->eventHandler->event_privnotice($user, $targetUser, $message); } } if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("O", $user->getNumeric(), $targetStr, $message); } public function mode($user, $target, $modes, $force = false) { if(!is_a($user, "P10_User") || !($user->getServer() === $this->server)) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(!is_a($target, "P10_User") && !is_a($target, "P10_Channel") && !(is_string($target) && ($target[0] == "#" || P10_User::getUserByNick($target)))) return ERR_INVALID_USER; if(is_a($target, "P10_Channel")) $targetStr = $target->getName(); else if(is_a($target, "P10_User")) $targetStr = $target->getNumeric(); else if($target[0] == "#") $targetStr = $target; else $targetStr = P10_User::getUserByNick($target)->getNumeric(); if($targetStr[0] == "#") { $channel = P10_Channel::getChannelByName($targetStr); if($channel == null) $channel = new P10_Channel($targetStr); $modes = $channel->getModes()->setModes($modes, true); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send(($force ? "OM" : "M"), $user->getNumeric(), $targetStr, $modes); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_chanmode(($force ? $this->server : $user), $channel, $modes); } else { $targetUser = P10_User::getUserByNum($targetStr); if($targetUser->getServer() === $this->server) { //just do it :D $modes = $targetUser->getModes()->setModes($modes, true); if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("M", $targetUser->getNumeric(), $targetUser->getNick(), $modes); if($this->eventHandler) $this->eventHandler->event_usermode($targetUser, $modes); } else { //SVSMODE if(($this->flags & self::FLAG_CONNECTED)) $this->send("SM", $user->getNumeric(), $targetUser->getNumeric(), $modes); } } } public function ctcp($user, $target, $command, $text) { return $this->privmsg($user, $target, "\001".strtoupper($command)." ".$text."\001"); } public function ctcp_reply($user, $target, $command, $text) { return $this->notice($user, $target, "\001".strtoupper($command)." ".$text."\001"); } } ?>