. * * * ************************************************************************ * * Uplink/P10Formatter.class.php * * This file contains the command formatter. * */ class P10Formatter { private static $commands = array( "PASS" => "PASS :%s", "SERVER" => "SERVER %s 1 %s %s J10 %s]]] +s6 :%s", "ERROR" => "ERROR :%s", "Z" => "{num} Z %s", "N" => "{num} N %s 1 %s %s %s %s %s %s :%s", "EB" => "{num} EB", "EA" => "{num} EA", "B" => "{num} B %s %s %s", "Q" => "%s Q :%s", "D" => "{num} D %s :%s (%s)", "J" => "%s J %s %s %s", "K" => "%s K %s %s :%s", "P" => "%s P %s :%s", "O" => "%s O %s :%s", "M" => "%s M %s %s", "L" => "%s L %s :%s", "SM" => "%s SM %s %s", "OM" => "%s OM %s %s", "311" => "{num} 311 %s %s %s %s * :%s", "319" => "{num} 319 %s %s :%s", "312" => "{num} 312 %s %s %s :%s", "313" => "{num} 313 %s %s :%s", "330" => "{num} 330 %s %s %s :is logged in as", "318" => "{num} 318 %s %s :End of /WHOIS list.", "401" => "{num} 401 %s %s :No such nick", "SQ" => "{num} SQ :%s", null => null ); public static function formatCMD($numeric, $command, $args) { if(array_key_exists($command, self::$commands)) { $command = self::$commands[$command]; $command = vsprintf($command, $args); } else { $command = vsprintf($command, $args); } return str_replace("{num}", $numeric, $command); } } ?>