. * * * ************************************************************************ * * Bots/ExampleBot.class.php * * a simple example bot... * */ class {$_NAME} extends Bot { // {$_NAME} will be replaced by our script later ;) private $uplink; private $example_bot; public function load($uplink, $old = false) { //load is called when the module gets included $this->uplink = $uplink; //Reference to the P10 Uplink //$old is only set, if the module is rehashed. It contains the return value of unload(); if(!$old) { //Here you can define startup actions //We'll add an user to the Server // newuser($localid,$nick,$ident,$host,$realname,$uptime,$modes) returns an array with the result // $localid is just an id you can set (whatever you want) - maybe you'll use it to identify the bot/user later? $nick = "ExampleBot"; // Please note: If this user already exists on another Server it will be killed! $ident = "Example"; $host = "Example.Bot"; $realname = "Thats an example Bot :)"; $modes = "i"; //we don't need a leading + (that will be added automatically) $this->example_bot = $this->uplink->addUser($nick,$ident,$host,$realname,$uptime,$modes); //addUser($nick, $ident, $host, $ip, $modes, $realname) if(is_a($this->example_bot, "P10_User")) { // A new user was created :) //ok let's join a channel $this->uplink->join($this->example_bot, "#test"); //now we want to say something... //but note: thats the startup procedure! the p10 server is not connected to an uplink, yet - so noone would recive our message (only the other bots on this server) } } else { $this->example_bot = $old; //We've saved out Bot reference in $old so we can simply use it again... } //OK send something to the Server is easy... //How to recive something from the IRC Server? //I've copied the eggdrop way to do that - bind ModCMD::bind($this, BIND_PRIVMSG, "recive_privmsg"); ModCMD::bind($this, BIND_QUIT, "recive_quit"); } public function loop() { //this function is triggered as often as possible (at least one time per second!). Maybe you need it to do timed events //please don't trigger any blocking functions here... that would cause an extreme lagg! } public function unload($rehash = false) { //this function is triggered, when the Bot is unloaded... If it's just a rehash the return value of this method is passed to $old in the load method. if($rehash) { return $this->example_bot; } else { $this->uplink->delUser($this->example_bot, "Bye."); } } public function recive_privmsg($user, $channel, $message) { //We've got a privmsg... $exp=explode(" ",$message); if($exp[0] == "hi") { $this->uplink->privmsg($this->example_bot, $channel, "Hallo ".$user->getNick()); // We send a message back - documentation is following } if($exp[0] == "-users") { $user_str = ""; foreach($channel->getUsers() as $chan_user) { $extra=""; $privs = $channel->getUserPrivs($chan_user); if(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_VOICE)) $extra= '+'; if(($privs & P10_Channel::USERPRIV_OPED)) $extra= '@'; $user_str .= " " . $extra . $chan_user->getNick(); } $this->uplink->notice($this->example_bot, $user, "User in ".$channel->getName().":".$user_str); } } function recive_quit($user, $reason) { if($user === $this->example_bot) { //maybe we got killed??? $this->load($this->uplink); } } } ?>