/* NeonServ example configuration */ "MySQL" { "host" = ""; "port" = 3306; "user" = "neonserv"; "pass" = "password"; "base" = "neonserv"; }; "statistics" { "enable" = 0; "frequency" = 5; //minutes "include_lusers" = 1; //general network statistics "execute" = "php scripts/statistic.php"; /* parameters: - visible users - visible chanusers - visible channels - privmsg per minute - commands per minute - network users - network channels */ }; "General" { "worker_threads" = 5; //threads "alertchan" = ""; //internal channel for important notifications "have_halfop" = 0; //unregister NeonSpam channels together with NeonServ? "sync_neonspam_unreg" = 1; "CheckAuths" { //check all AuthNames in the database for existence (AuthServ querys) "enabled" = 1; "start_time" = 3; //24h format - 3 means 3am "duration" = 180; //minutes - query till start_time + duration o'clock ;) "interval" = 2; //seconds - query every x seconds "min_unckecked" = 172800; //check auth only if unchecked for x seconds //180 miutes, every 2 seconds: 5400 auth checks "alertchan" = "#krypton.intern"; // notifications about deleted users }; "UserBots" { "OtherServ" { "enabled" = 0; //enable, if you want to use ;) "nick" = "OtherServ,OtherServ2"; //optional check (mask) "sourcebot" = "NeonServ"; //send messages through a bot of this botclass "opless_part" = "PRIVMSG %s :part %s"; //args: botnick, channel "opless_join" = "PRIVMSG %s :join %s"; //args: botnick, channel }; }; }; "QServer" { //QServer is an unused "enabled" = 0; //leave this disabled if you don't know what you're doing! "port" = 7499; "pass" = "blaa"; }; "logs" { /* module:section = target_type:target possible sections: "info","debug","raw","mysql","override","warning","error","fatal" possible targets: file:log.log irc:#channel std:out std:err */ "*:info,warning,error,fatal" = "file:neonserv.log"; // "*:override,error,fatal" = "irc:#neonserv"; "*:info" = "std:out"; }; "modules" { "libglobalcmd" { "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 1; //may not be unloaded }; "libDummyServ" { "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 0; }; "libfuncmds" { "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 0; }; "libNeonHelp" { "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 0; //require users to be authenticated when opening a request "need_auth" = 0; //custom error message - if commented out "You need to be authenticated with AuthServ to use this command." will be used //"need_auth_message" = "Sorry, we require you to be authenticated against AuthServ to use our Services. Please log in or register an account on http://xyz.de/register.php"; }; "libNeonServ" { "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 0; // How often to look for channels that have expired? "chan_expire_freq" = "3d"; // How long is a channel unvisited (by masters or above) before it can be expired? "chan_expire_delay" = "30d"; // Automatically register a Backup bot with NeonServ "auto_backup_register" = 0; // Automatically unregister all Backup when NeonServ gets removed "auto_backup_unregister" = 1; // BackupServ channel setting "channel_backup_setting" = 1; }; "libNeonBackup" { "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 0; }; "libNeonSpam" { "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 0; }; "libstats" { /* statistics module this module doesn't extend the bot functions at all! It will simply send a small UDP packet to neonserv.krypton-bouncer.de this packet is used to keep the statistics on the website up to date. If you don't want your bot to be listed on this site just disable this plugin (entries will be removed after 6h on the website) */ "enabled" = 1; "protected" = 0; "hide_networkname" = 0; //hide network name "hide_botnick" = 0; //hide bot nick, ident, host "hide_chancount" = 0; //hide joined channel count "hide_usercount" = 0; //hide number of users the bot can see }; };