added modules to neonserv.example.conf and added protected as a module setting
[NeonServV5.git] / neonserv.example.conf
1 /*
2   NeonServ example configuration
3 */
5 "MySQL" {
6     "host" = "";
7     "port" = 3306;
8     "user" = "neonserv";
9     "pass" = "password";
10     "base" = "neonserv";
11 };
12 "statistics" {
13     "enable" = 0;
14     "frequency" = 5; //minutes
15     "include_lusers" = 1; //general network statistics
16     "execute" = "php scripts/statistic.php";
17     /* parameters:
18      - visible users
19      - visible chanusers
20      - visible channels
21      - privmsg per minute
22      - commands per minute
23      - network users
24      - network channels
25     */
26 };
27 "General" {
28     "worker_threads" = 5; //threads
29     "alertchan" = "";
30     "have_halfop" = 0;
31     "CheckAuths" {
32         "enabled" = 1;
33         "start_time" = 3; //24h format
34         "duration" = 180; //minutes
35         "interval" = 2; //seconds
36         "min_unckecked" = 172800; //check auth only if unchecked for x seconds
37         //180 miutes, every 2 seconds: 5400 auth checks
38         "alertchan" = "#krypton.intern";
39     };
40 };
41 "QServer" {
42     "enabled" = 0;
43     "port" = 7499;
44     "pass" = "blaa";
45 };
46 "log" { //neonserv.log
47     /*
48      1 - INFO
49      2 - ERROR
50      4 - RAW
51      8 - MYSQL
52     */
53     "loglevel" = 3;
54 };
55 "modules" {
56     "libglobalcmd" {
57         "enabled" = 1;
58         "protected" = 1; //may not be unloaded
59     };
60     "libDummyServ" {
61         "enabled" = 1;
62         "protected" = 0;
63     };
64     "libfuncmds" {
65         "enabled" = 1;
66         "protected" = 0;
67     };
68     "libNeonHelp" {
69         "enabled" = 1;
70         "protected" = 0;
71     };
72     "libNeonServ" {
73         "enabled" = 1;
74         "protected" = 0;
75     };
76     "libNeonSpam" {
77         "enabled" = 1;
78         "protected" = 0;
79     };
80 };