# # ChangeLog for ircu2.10.11 # # $Id: ChangeLog,v 1.22 2000-03-25 07:02:48 bleep Exp $ # # Insert new changes at beginning of the change list. # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2000-03-24 Thomas Helvey * numicks.c: convert extended numerics to use original mask version * numnicks.h: "" * s_user.c: 2000-03-23 Thomas Helvey * Merge in changes from production 2000-03-22 Thomas Helvey * numicks.c: Tweak to numnick generator to reduce possibility of duplicates. * rfc1459.unet: Add Maniac's documentation for /names 0 * Fix misc. jupe bugs that somehow made it into the tree * Escape /names 0 to mean /names --Maniac * Don't core when server asks for info --Maniac * Add Kev's jupe patch --Bleep * Add Maniacs squit patch --Bleep * Merge in u2_10_10_beta07 changes --Bleep * Merge in u2_10_10_beta06 changes --Bleep * Start ircu2.10.11 development, beta branch u2_10_10 --Bleep